Brits are most likely to return coffee machines, shoes and tablets – study finds | Personal Finance | Finance


Toys, beauty products and gifts bought for friends and family also made the list of things likely to get sent back.

While others won’t hold onto video games, musical instruments or kids’ clothes and footwear.

Mike Elliff, from Payit by NatWest, which commissioned the research, said: “Retail therapy is a pleasure for thousands of people, but the new reality of an economy in a recession, is that when consumers make a return, they need their money back as soon as possible.

“Financial transparency can help customers avoid ‘regret purchases’ in the first place, saving both business owners and consumers the hassle and cost of returns in the long run.”

The study also found 36 percent would be more likely to send something back they purchased online, with 22 percent having never kept an item which they have wanted to return.

While 27 percent have resisted sending an item back because it cost too much to return.

However, when given an item they don’t like or need, a generous 40 percent will donate to a charity shop and 37 percent would make plans to re-gift to somebody who would enjoy it more.

Only 19 percent would return the gift and claim back the money or credit, while 26 percent would put it in a drawer to revisit at a later date.

Reassuringly, the research, carried out via OnePoll, found 57 percent are confident in their financial position this year, despite the ongoing cost of living crisis.

Mike Elliff, CEO of the payment solution, added: “In the run up to Christmas, consumers are showing confidence and willing to spend on their loved ones.

“Purchasing presents is often done with the heart on a spontaneous whim.

“Having an accurate overview and control over your finances will help shoppers this year make informed purchase decision.

“At a time when everyone needs their money available right now, no one can wait for delayed refunds. Speed is critical for Brits and for businesses.”


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