Melania Trump opened up about ‘wanting a meaningful life’ in deep interview


Melania Trump opened up about her ambitions for a “meaningful life” in a resurfaced video from the lead-up to the 2016 presidential election.

During the televised discussion, Melania spoke about her involvement in various charities and the role she would take on as the leading lady if Donald Trump got elected as President of the United States.

When asked what her long-term life plans were, Melania replied: “We will see, everything is in the air for now but when the time comes.

“We’re just enjoying life. I want to live a meaningful life. I want to spend time with my family and my husband and with my child.”

Touching on her upcoming business ventures, the Slovenian said: “I experienced great success in my business, so I’m not eager to do another business. I may in the future, I never say never.

READ MORE:Melania Trump tipped for public comeback after Donald begged for help

“It’s very productive […] your idea is coming to life and I have many ideas, so maybe I will continue when my life calms down a little bit and gets a little bit less hectic and less busy.”

When asked whether she would make a good First Lady, Melania responded: “Yes, of course. I’m a perfectionist, I like to do things [perfectly]. I like to put myself 100 percent in what I do.

“So if the American people would select my husband to be president, I would support him and I would support the United States, I would support people, I would help them. I would take care of women and children, they are our future, we need to take care of them, we need to guide them.”

Melania met husband Donald, who is 24 years her senior, in 1998. The pair tied the knot in 2005, marking his third marriage.

Trump has faced 34 indictment charges this year for alleged business fraud and hush money payment made to adult actress Stormy Daniels in the lead-up to the 2016 election.

Melania declined to attend her husband’s felony arraignment hearing last month and was not present at his post-arrangement speech at Mar-a-Largo either.

During his discourse, Mr Trump praised four of his children but noticeably failed to make any references to Melania, saying: “[…] Barron will be great someday – he’s tall and he’s smart, but I have a great family and they’ve done a fantastic job and we appreciate it very much. They’ve gone through a lot.”

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